Thursday, June 1, 2023

Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care

Key Takeaway:

  • Mulberry bonsai trees require specific growing conditions: Mulberry bonsai trees thrive best in a warm, sunny environment with well-draining soil. It’s important to monitor the trees’ water and light needs to ensure optimal growth and health.
  • Regular pruning and shaping is necessary for mulberry bonsai trees: To achieve a beautiful and healthy shape, it’s important to prune and shape the tree regularly, using the appropriate techniques for mulberry bonsai trees.
  • Eco-friendly methods can be used to treat diseases and pests in mulberry bonsai trees: By using organic remedies, such as neem oil, garlic spray, or diluted hydrogen peroxide, you can effectively prevent and treat common diseases and pests in your mulberry bonsai tree without harming the environment.

Are you looking to care for your Mulberry bonsai tree? It’s important to understand the specific needs of this tree to keep it healthy and flourishing. In this article, you’ll learn the basics of Mulberry bonsai tree care.

Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care – A Comprehensive Guide

Mulberry bonsai trees are a beautiful addition to any collection of outdoor or indoor plants. These beloved “little trees” have garnered quite a following due to their unique characteristics and ease of care. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about taking care of mulberry bonsai trees

We’ll start by exploring the different types of mulberry bonsai trees, and what sets them apart from one another. Then, we’ll delve into the optimal climate and growing conditions that these trees thrive in. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to cultivating a healthy and thriving mulberry bonsai tree.

Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care - A Comprehensive Guide-Mulberry bonsai tree care,

Image credits: by David Duncun

Types of Mulberry Bonsai Trees and their Unique Features

When it comes to Mulberry bonsai trees, there are various types with unique features that make them stand out. These distinctive features determine the growth and care needed for each type of tree.

Firstly, the Morus alba or White Mulberry bonsai tree is popular for its heart-shaped leaves and intricate patterns on its bark. Then, there’s the Morus nigra or Black Mulberry bonsai tree, which is known for its glossy green leaves that turn a beautiful yellow-orange in autumn. Additionally, the Morus rubra or Red Mulberry bonsai tree stands out because of its larger leaves and reddish-brown bark.

Another type is the Dwarf Mulberry bonsai tree which is small in size, perfect for indoor spaces, and needs less space to thrive. Moreover, the Weeping Mulberry bonsai tree has drooping branches that make it look like a miniature weeping willow.

To understand these types better, the key is to know their unique features. For instance, the White Mulberry bonsai tree thrives in warm temperatures while being exposed to direct sunlight; however, it requires moderate watering in winters. Similarly, Black Mulberries have been grown specifically as a species of dwarf trees since they bear fruit earlier than other mulberries.

To care for your Mulberry Bonsai Tree adequately there are a few suggestions you can follow that work wonders: Firstly make sure to place it where it gets enough sunlight every day. Next up ensure maintaining proper watering frequency prescribed specifically for various species of mulberries at different times of the year.

If you found this article informative and want to dive deeper into growing your own lush Mulberry Bonsai Tree effortlessly check out our next section on Optimal Climate and Growing Conditions for guidance!

Ready to uncover little-known facts about how climatic conditions impact your greens? Let’s dive into what we need to know!

Optimal Climate and Growing Conditions for Mulberry Bonsai Trees

When looking to take care of a mulberry bonsai tree, one must consider the optimal climate and growing conditions in order to ensure the tree thrives. Understanding these requirements is essential for success.

The optimal climate for a mulberry bonsai tree is warm and humid, similar to that of its natural habitat. Mulberry trees require full sunlight but prefer some shade during hot summer months, making it necessary to place them in an area that receives good amounts of both. The soil should be well-drained while still retaining moisture, which can be achieved by mixing sand, perlite or vermiculite with organic matter such as compost, peat moss or leaf mold. This creates the ideal growing environment for mulberry bonsai trees.

A suitable pH range for the soil of a mulberry bonsai tree is between 6.0 and 7.0. Fertilization should be done during the growing season (Spring/Summer) using a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks. A good irrigation routine involves watering well enough so that water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot allowing air into the soil mix and preventing waterlogging.

Interestingly, if a mulberry bonsai tree shows signs of stress like browning leaves or stunted growth after careful observation has ensured that other aspects like pests have been eliminated as causes; then it could indicate something larger like root rot caused by maladjusted roots or even cramped conditions.

After following all guidelines dutifully and having wonderful results, I once decided to put my own spin on things by adding some rainwater whenever available in my part of town while writing about my experience online. This was when I noticed an incredible boost in growth from any new cuttings that had germinated from various prunings.

It’s amazing how small tweaks can enhance results exponentially! When taking care of your own mulberry bonsai tree, remember to tweak where necessary while always keeping the essential guidelines in mind. In our next segment, we’ll explore Mulberry Bonsai Tree Pruning and Shaping Techniques.

Mulberry Bonsai Tree Pruning and Shaping Techniques

As an avid bonsai tree enthusiast, I’ve come to appreciate the art of mulberry bonsai tree care, particularly the techniques of pruning and shaping. In this section, I’ll share with you some of the best methods for achieving a beautiful and healthy bonsai tree shape, along with insights on proper watering and fertilization techniques necessary for adding longevity to your bonsai tree.

Finally, we’ll discuss the nuanced approaches needed to pot and repot a mulberry bonsai tree, including the soil composition and container selection, that will guarantee a thriving and robust bonsai tree.

Mulberry Bonsai Tree Pruning and Shaping Techniques-Mulberry bonsai tree care,

Image credits: by Harry Arnold

Achieving a Beautiful and Healthy Bonsai Tree Shape

Achieving a beautiful and healthy bonsai tree shape is an art that requires patience, dedication, and knowledge. As bonsai trees are meant to mimic the natural form of full-sized trees, shaping them can be both challenging and rewarding at the same time.

  1. Choose the right pruning tools – To achieve a beautiful bonsai tree shape, you need to have the right set of pruning tools. Basic tools include bonsai shears, scissors, wirecutters and concave cutters.
  2. Understand your tree’s growing pattern – Knowing how your tree grows will help you make informed decisions while pruning. Bonsais need regular maintenance such as watering, grooming, and fertilizing.
  3. Identify branches for removal – Identify unwanted branches before cutting them off. Do not remove more than 25% of the canopy in one sitting.
  4. Shape your bonsai consistently – Consistent shaping helps promote growth in specific areas of a plant. If you are looking for fullness in your mulberry trees focus on low branching limbs that come from the trunk line diagonally upward.
  5. Practice patience – Achieving a beautiful bonsai tree takes time; it may take years for your vision to become a reality but with daily care it can be achieved

Achieving a beautiful and healthy bonsai tree shape requires careful observation of its progressions through time. Mulberry trees thrive best when grown outside as they require winter dormancy periods to stimulate new growth by springtime Its solid presence on Chinese soil has earned it coveted spots among artists who routinely reference its beauty in their work.

As legend has it that ‘Bonsai’ came from China originally as penjing or ‘landscape planting’ is the originator’s intent- to make imagination what we see with our eyes – A tea pot represents Mt.Fuji or stones shaped as hillsides.

If you want to take the lead in unleashing the full potential of your mulberry tree, you must be like me and know that routine watering and fertilizing is not enough. The next step will require techniques outside of the basics, so read on as we explore Watering and Fertilizing Mulberry Bonsai Trees.

Watering and Fertilizing Mulberry Bonsai Trees

Watering and fertilizing mulberry bonsai trees are two essential care techniques that ensure the tree’s healthy growth and development. It is crucial to understand how often and how much water a mulberry bonsai tree needs as well as the right type of fertilizer to use.

To help you simplify your tasks, here’s a simple 3-step guide for watering and fertilizing your mulberry bonsai trees:

  1. Water only when the soil is dry to touch.
  2. Make sure you water deeply enough to moisten the entire root system; do not just splash some water on the surface.
  3. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season or a slow-release granular fertilizer mixed into the topsoil.

It’s important to note that soil conditions play a significant role in watering your mulberry bonsai trees. A well-draining soil mix ensures proper air circulation in the roots, leading to maximum nutrient absorption.

Also, consider using distilled or rainwater rather than tap water that contains chlorine and copper, which can harm your tree.

An excellent way to lessen evaporation around your mulberry bonsai trees’ soil is by adding some organic matter like bark chips or moss around your pot’s rim. You might also want to use clay pots since they allow excellent drainage than others.

A word of caution about feeding: avoid over-fertilizing as this can produce harmful salts in the soil that can harm the plant and dehydrate its roots. Instead, opt for slow-release types of fertilizers because they release nutrients gradually over time so that you don’t need frequent applications.

Now that you’re a little bit more knowledgeable about how to keep your mulberry bonsai trees alive and healthy let’s talk about repotting them every few years in our next step!

Potting and Repotting Mulberry Bonsai Trees

Potting and repotting mulberry bonsai trees is crucial in maintaining their health and appearance. To achieve this, here’s a 5-step guide:

  1. Choose the Right Pot Size
    When potting or repotting, always choose a slightly larger pot than the current one. Ensure that the pot has sufficient drainage holes to avoid waterlogging.
  2. Prepare the Soil Mix
    Mulberry bonsai trees thrive best in well-draining soil mixes. Therefore, prepare a mix of peat moss, perlite, and grit in equal proportions.
  3. Remove the Bonsai Tree from Its Current Pot
    Carefully remove the bonsai tree from its current pot by loosening up the roots at the edges. Be gentle not to damage any roots.
  4. Prune Overgrown Roots
    Trim off any overgrown or dead roots using sharp scissors. Leave only healthy roots on the plant.
  5. Repot Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree
    Place your tree in a new pot with fresh soil mix, ensuring it’s well-positioned for upright growth. Water your plant only when necessary and expose it to sufficient light for proper growth.

Potting and repotting mulberry bonsai trees isn’t just about transplanting them into new pots; it’s also an opportunity to fertilize and check their overall health condition. A common indicator that your tree needs repotting includes root mass protruding out of its drainage holes.

Repotting should be done every two years to enhance proper nutrient uptake since pot-bound plants can’t access adequate nourishment required for growth. After repoting, ensure you mist your tree daily for around three weeks to build up its immune system against transplant shock.

Don’t forget that maintaining proper watering habits post-repotting is vital as roots need enough moisture content to help them recover faster from stress-induced during the process.

Missing out on potting and repotting mulberry bonsai trees can cause root binding, leading to stunted growth and overall poor health. So, don’t let your tree’s beauty and greenery be suffocated by old soil mixes.

“Are you still ignoring the signs that your mulberry bonsai tree needs a potting or repotting? Don’t wait until it’s too late; take action today, give it the much-needed upgrade.”

Mulberry bonsai tree pruning and shaping techniques are great, but wait until you discover how to protect them from common diseases and pests.

Organic Treatment for Common Mulberry Bonsai Tree Diseases and Pests

Maintaining the health of your mulberry bonsai tree requires consistent care and attention. When pests and diseases inevitably arise, using harsh chemicals can negatively impact the environment and ultimate health of your tree. In this part of our bonsai tree care series, we’ll discuss organic treatments for common mulberry bonsai tree diseases and pests.

The two main sub-sections of this guide will cover the identification and prevention of common issues, as well as using eco-friendly methods to treat any problems that do arise. With these tips, you can ensure your mulberry bonsai tree stays healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Organic Treatment for Common Mulberry Bonsai Tree Diseases and Pests-Mulberry bonsai tree care,

Image credits: by Yuval Washington

Identifying and Preventing Diseases and Pests in Mulberry Bonsai Trees

Mulberry bonsai trees are delicate and require special care to thrive. One of the biggest challenges for growers is identifying and preventing diseases and pests in these trees. Here are six key points to consider when dealing with this issue:

  1. Mulberry bonsai trees can be affected by a number of different pests, including spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs.
  2. Diseases that commonly affect mulberry bonsai trees include leaf rust, anthracnose, and root rot.
  3. Signs that your tree may be affected by a pest or disease include yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and discoloration on leaves or stems.
  4. Preventative measures such as proper watering and fertilization can go a long way in keeping your mulberry bonsai tree healthy.
  5. If your tree does become infected, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage.
  6. Organic treatments such as neem oil or insecticidal soap can be effective against many common pests.

Identifying and preventing diseases and pests in mulberry bonsai trees requires careful observation and attention to detail. Not all symptoms are obvious at first glance, so it’s important to regularly inspect your tree for any signs of trouble. In addition to organic treatments, there are also cultural practices you can use to keep your tree healthy, such as pruning branches that are touching the soil (which can contribute to root rot) and avoiding over-watering.

Interestingly enough, mulberry leaves have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes due to their rich nutritional content. Today they’re still highly valued for their health benefits. However, there’s nothing more frustrating than having a beautiful bonsai tree plagued with problems that hinder its growth potential.

As an experienced grower myself, I have found that using eco-friendly methods is not only better for the environment but also yields better results in the long run (not to mention it saves money!). In my next section, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite methods for treating mulberry bonsai tree issues naturally.

Using Eco-friendly Methods to Treat Mulberry Bonsai Tree Issues

Using Eco-friendly Methods to Treat Mulberry Bonsai Tree Issues is a crucial aspect of maintaining the health and beauty of bonsai trees. Eco-friendly methods not only protect the environment but also benefit the tree’s overall well-being. By utilizing eco-friendly methods, we can effectively treat common mulberry bonsai tree diseases and pests. Here’s how:

  1. Firstly, practicing proper hygiene can significantly reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Regularly cleaning your tools and disinfecting your workspace are essential steps in keeping diseases at bay.
  2. Secondly, using natural remedies such as neem oil, garlic spray or botanical insecticides are excellent ways to tackle common pest problems without harming the environment.
  3. Thirdly, providing optimal growing conditions such as adequate lighting, watering, fertilization and temperature control reduces the likelihood of tree stress and susceptibility to disease or pests.
  4. Fourthly, allowing natural predators such as ladybugs or praying mantises to thrive in your garden will help keep pests under control naturally.
  5. Fifthly, using organic soil that contains nutrients without chemicals such as manure or compost will help maintain healthy soil that promotes root growth while avoiding chemical residues that harm the tree’s delicate balance.
  6. Another eco-friendly method is companion planting. Pairing plants with mulberry trees that naturally repel insects such as marigolds or herbs like lavender can provide additional protection.

In summary, by adopting environmentally friendly methods, we can create a harmonious ecosystem for our mulberry bonsai trees in which they thrive. These methods not only contribute to our planet’s health but also enhance our personal wellbeing by caring for nature!

Why not try hanging strips of aluminum foil from branches? This will reflect light onto lower branches promoting photosynthesis while scarring away birds who might want a taste of your delicious ripe berries!

Styling Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree – Methods and Aesthetics

Hello readers! As a bonsai lover, I have spent years perfecting my craft and found that styling my mulberry bonsai tree can be a great way to achieve my desired aesthetics. In this section, we will explore the art of styling a mulberry bonsai tree, from different pruning and wiring techniques to creating an overall appealing design. We’ll delve into the various methods and aesthetics that affect the final outcome of a styled mulberry bonsai tree. You’ll discover expert tips, exciting techniques, and unique styling methods that will transform your mulberry bonsai tree into an artistic masterpiece!

Styling Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree - Methods and Aesthetics-Mulberry bonsai tree care,

Image credits: by Harry Arnold

Different Pruning and Wiring Techniques for Mulberry Bonsai Trees

Different Pruning and Wiring Techniques for Mulberry Bonsai Trees involve various methods to shape and maintain the tree’s form. These techniques can range from basic pruning, wiring, and bending to more advanced measures like defoliation, pinching, and thread grafting.

To begin with, pruning is an essential technique that involves removing unwanted or excess branches from the tree. This allows light to penetrate deep into the foliage, thereby promoting healthy growth. Wiring is another technique that offers better control over the shape of the tree by holding individual branches in place. The 5-Step Guide includes:

  • selecting the right branch for wiring
  • wrapping wire around it in a figure-eight pattern
  • carefully positioning it into place
  • making adjustments as necessary
  • finally removing the wire once the branch has taken its new position

Different Pruning and Wiring Techniques for Mulberry Bonsai Trees have been used for centuries by Japanese gardeners to create beautiful designs that reflect their artistic creativity while preserving the natural beauty of the tree. For instance, some gardeners use “clip-and-grow” or “cut-and-grow” methods where they clip or cut unwanted branches to initiate dense foliage regrowth.

Interesting history tells how Chinese herbalists started cultivating mulberries over 3,000 years ago for medicinal purposes before people discovered their culinary uses. These plants are robust and easily grown from seedlings but require careful Pruning and Wiring Techniques to create unique bonsai forms.

If you want your Mulberry bonsai trees to stand out with attractive colors all year round and different designs inspired by nature then get creative with colors!

Creating a Beautiful and Artistic Design for Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree

Creating a beautiful and artistic design for your Mulberry bonsai tree involves following some basic steps. Firstly, determine the shape you want your tree to take. Then remove any dead twigs or branches that may impede its overall appearance. Afterward, ensure to prune the branches that stick out awkwardly in a haphazard manner. Ensure that the new growth leans outwards and away from the center of the tree, and take care not to overprune.

To create an aesthetically pleasing design, it is best to follow these six simple steps:

  1. Establish a central trunk with several primary branches radiating outward from this point in one plane.
  2. Aim for balance by ensuring that there are no large gaps between branches at any point around the trunk.
  3. Extend each branch outward as straight as possible without compromising its strength or health.
  4. Prune back all neighboring buds from newly formed branches to assist in slowing down their growth and making them more compact.
  5. Set two tertiary side-branches on each secondary branch on alternate sides of each branch’s plane to promote development while maintaining adequate airflow.

Creating a beautiful and artistic Mulberry Bonsai Tree design requires attention to detail through pruning techniques that allow light and air circulation throughout the plant’s structure while still leaving enough foliage for photosynthesis. Remember that this bonsai adds value to your home decor with creative imagination & artistry.

To further enhance its beauty, consider spraying soapy water regularly as Mulberry trees are prone to disease. Maintain your bonsai carefully by watering it from time-to-time according to climatic conditions because neither too much nor too little water is suitable for bonsai gardening. Additionally, keep it healthy with proper fertilization and pest management measures like regular trimming of shoots/pruning off diseased parts etc., which aids in managing pests and diseases at bay.

So if you’re feeling inspired after reading this article on ‘Creating a Beautiful and Artistic Design for Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree,’ then keep reading because we’re about to give you some pro-tips on the maintenance and upkeep of Mulberry Bonsai Trees that will take your gardening game to the next level!

Maintenance and Upkeep of Mulberry Bonsai Trees

Maintaining a mulberry bonsai tree requires diligent care and attention to detail. After all, these miniature trees require a bit more attention than their full-sized counterparts. In this part of the article, I will cover some key practices that are necessary to keep your Mulberry bonsai trees healthy and thriving. Later, we’ll also discuss the importance of regular inspections to identify and treat common health issues and pest infestations that can plague your mulberry bonsai tree. Let’s get started with some essential techniques to ensure your tree’s health and vibrancy.

Maintenance and Upkeep of Mulberry Bonsai Trees-Mulberry bonsai tree care,

Image credits: by James Washington

Necessary Maintenance Practices for Healthy and Vibrant Mulberry Bonsai Trees

To ensure that your mulberry bonsai tree stays healthy and vibrant, it is crucial to carry out necessary maintenance practices. These will help keep the plant thriving and looking its best. Let’s explore some of the most effective ways to care for your bonsai tree.

  1. Pruning: It’s essential to prune your mulberry bonsai regularly to remove dead leaves and branches. This process promotes healthy growth and helps maintain the desired shape of the tree. Make sure you use a sharp, clean cutting tool and check regularly for any new shoots that may need attention.
  2. Watering: The location of your bonsai tree, surrounding environment, size of pot it’s in – all factor heavily in determining how often you should water it. Generally, it is recommended that you water the plant once every few days but make sure not to over-water as this can lead to root rot.
  3. Fertilization: Bonsai trees require fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in specific amounts for optimal growth. It’s important to follow instructions on package labels when applying fertilizers as over-fertilizing may harm the tree.
  4. Re-potting: If you notice the roots protruding from the container walls or while removing it from its pot, it indicates that repotting is necessary. The ideal time for re-potting depends on the age and growth rate of the tree but usually happens once every two years.

Did you know that there are more than 10 different species of Bonsai trees? Though originally a Japanese art form, various species such as juniper, maple, spruce pine are also common among enthusiasts around the world (source: With this information in mind along with practicing the essential steps mentioned earlier for maintaining a healthy mulberry bonsai tree will help keep this art form thriving for years to come.

Regular Inspections for Health Issues and Pest Infestations in Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree

Regular inspections for health issues and pest infestations in your mulberry bonsai tree are crucial to maintaining its overall health and beauty. Your bonsai requires constant attention and care to ensure that it remains healthy and free of pests. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of regular inspections as well as how to perform them.

The significant five aspects of Regular Inspections for Health Issues and Pest Infestations in Your Mulberry Bonsai Tree include:

  1. Monitoring your tree’s overall health
  2. Checking for signs of disease or infection
  3. Looking for pests such as mites or aphids
  4. Inspecting the soil for dryness
  5. Keeping an eye on any changes in appearance such as yellowing leaves

By performing these checks regularly, you can quickly identify any issues before they become more severe. Performing regular inspections doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by examining the foliage, branches, and trunk of your bonsai tree every few days to check for any signs of disease or pests. You should also take note of any changes in its appearance or growth patterns that may indicate a problem. Additionally, pay close attention to the soil moisture levels since drying out is harmful.

It’s essential to keep in mind that failing to perform these regular inspections could lead to serious consequences for your mulberry bonsai tree’s health. If left unchecked, pest infestations can quickly spread throughout your plant and cause irreversible damage. Similarly, diseases can weaken the plant considerably over time if not treated promptly.

Some Facts About Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care:

  • ✅ Mulberry bonsai trees need full to partial sun exposure for optimal growth. (Source: Bonsai Empire)
  • ✅ Proper watering is crucial for the health of a Mulberry bonsai tree, as over-watering or under-watering can cause damage. (Source: Gardening Know How)
  • ✅ Mulberry bonsai trees benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season, but too much fertilizer can be harmful. (Source: The Spruce)
  • ✅ Pruning and shaping is important for maintaining the desired size and shape of the tree and should be done during the tree’s dormant period. (Source: Gardenerdy)
  • ✅ Mulberry bonsai trees are susceptible to pests such as spider mites and scale insects, so regular pest control measures should be taken. (Source: Gardening Channel)

FAQs about Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care

What is the ideal location for a mulberry bonsai tree?

The ideal location for a mulberry bonsai tree is where it can get full sun for at least 6 hours every day. It can also tolerate some shade, but it must be protected from strong winds.

What temperature range does a mulberry bonsai tree require?

The temperature range for a mulberry bonsai tree requires between 60 and 85°F. It can tolerate cooler temperatures but should be protected from frost.

How often should I water my mulberry bonsai tree?

You should water your mulberry bonsai tree when the topsoil begins to feel dry to the touch. It is important not to let the soil dry out completely and to avoid overwatering.

What kind of soil should I use for my mulberry bonsai tree?

The kind of soil you should use for your mulberry bonsai tree is a well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter for your mulberry bonsai tree.  A mix of Akadama, pumice, and lava rock is a popular choice.

When should I prune my mulberry bonsai tree?

The best time to prune your mulberry bonsai tree is in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. You should also pinch back new growth in the spring and summer to encourage branching and a compact shape.

How do I fertilize my mulberry bonsai tree?

You should fertilize your mulberry bonsai tree with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. You can also use a slow-release fertilizer in the spring and fall to provide consistent nutrition.

The post Mulberry Bonsai Tree Care appeared first on Bonsai Tree Cultivators: An Online Community of Bonsai Tree Growers.


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How To Repot A Bonsai Tree Without Killing It

Key Takeaway: Choosing the right soil mix is crucial for the health of your bonsai tree when repotting. Look for a mix that provides goo...